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Writer's pictureSheri and Bill Eppright

A Kiss For Your Thoughts

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

Kiss a frog, right? That’s usually deemed to be a romantic endeavor, but there really are many kinds of kisses, ranging from brief and introductory that say “I feel comfortable” or “you are sweet” to kisses that are enthusiastic, or intimate or long lasting …all meant to send a message. Sharing a thought is a lot like sharing a kiss: some are dry and passive, while others are deep and full of meaning—but all are intended to leave a lasting impression.

Happily sitting in a water lily pond at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, our frog buddy was just waiting to offer us a kiss. (For clarity, it was the frog happily sitting in the pond, not the photographers!). We can imagine what the kiss would be like, but not sure of what thoughts would excite frog buddy!

When the recipient of a kiss or a thought is given the opportunity to respond, there is a connection, and connecting with each other is the point. Be it a kiss or thought, it qualifies as another time at bat, another chance for a homerun. After all, a toad can become a prince, right?

So please give us your thoughts and comments! You will find a “comments” section on every page of our website. We love getting comments and clever positive observations about our articles, motivational images and songs. It’s always a pleasure to find more ways to connect!

Positively Speaking, “Sheri & Bill...Story Tellers in Word, Image and Song.” offers a collection of blog articles, original photography and original folk pop songs inspired by everyday life from our positive view.


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