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Writer's pictureSheri and Bill Eppright

Positive Growth

Watching a tree grow inspires us and reminds us that life continues, adapts to its surroundings, that positive growth is possible.


In just a 3-year period, our backyard maple tree has doubled in size. We planted the tree in 2019 to shade our patio and home from the west setting sun.  

At the time of purchase, our tree professional suggested that older people (seriously?!!) tend to buy trees that are already 5-8 years old because they want to see full growth during their lifetime. We boldly chose a younger tree, and yet every spring we see noteworthy growth, that our tree has further extended its branches by almost two feet.


Bill:  By 2030 we should be seeing 12ft more branch extension, a 25ft radius, 50ft in diameter and a 60 ft tall display!   


Sheri:  Hm….my projections are a bit more conservative—I am thinking maybe 40 ft tall, but still impressive growth!  


A few birds call it their home, and sing “thank you songs” to us each morning. Summer shade we have, and conversely every fall we see a full harvest of leaves to rake. We’ll take it and rake it! Come on over for lunch and enjoy the shade (you bring the watermelon!), or…just planning ahead, you can come help rake in the fall!). 😊   



Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill, Story Tellers in Word, Image and Song.
 offers a collection of blog articles with original photography, motivational images with original photography, and original folk pop songs inspired by everyday life from a positive view.


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