"If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley
For us, it’s “when" winter comes. We both have lived in cold (very cold!) northern snow country in earlier years, so we do remember what a “real winter” feels like. And we also concede that winter is considered mild in Atlanta. But neither of these things make even a milder winter go unnoticed by us-nope!
We found an article called the “Science of the Cold”. Turns out that being cold is not always an indication of bad circulation--humans are essentially “tropical animals”. Yes, validation! Now that’s what we’re talking about…a warm tropical climate—we’re in!
“Humans are essentially tropical animals and are not equipped to deal with even mild cold. That we can live in cold climates is a result of behavioral adaptations such as wearing appropriate clothing and building shelters…”
Sheri: And yet, there is another aspect to consider:
“If we had no winter, spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not experience adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” (Anne Bradstreet).
Ok, ok….we get it. So, we just need a strategic plan to make winter more interesting (check out our article “Winter–That Season before Spring”)
Bill: I love plans! Lots of positive targets, carrots and bribes. It’s time to schedule meetups with gym buddies and family members, afternoon social games with neighbors, monthly meetups with old friends to see what they’re up to…maybe even snag a few of their ideas to add to our plan.
With a bit of planning to help us navigate this Winter season, we should end up at Spring season that is just a bit sweeter, knowing the effort and enjoyment we took together in getting there!
Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill, Storytellers through Word, Image and Song
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