“Change is a constant in today’s changing world”.
Might sound contradictory, (like a quirky quote from Yogi Berra 😊), but change can often be quite comforting when it happens in constant cycles. It becomes dependable, reliable and trustworthy--something you can count on.
Bill: Like our backyard tree, pictured here last May and then this week as we begin November. Seasonal change reminds us of positive growth in our own lives. (check out our post from last Fall “Positive Growth” )…wait till you see our bean stalk!
Sheri: Farmers rely on changing seasons for their crops to grow. Parents encourage and watch their children change and grow constantly toward successful maturity.
Our personal favorite--the ocean tides change twice a day from the moon’s gravitational pull on the earth. We love the ocean and beach, and the changing tides, which is the inspiration behind our original song “Oceans of Love”
“Two Lovers walking the Beach hand in hand
Stop to write Love Notes in the glistening sand.
Tide comes in, two times each day,
Washing their love notes far, far away!”
Sheri: Of course, change is also unexpected, like adapting to new technology. Just when you think you have mastered your electronic devises, it’s time to replace a phone or computer…argh!
Unfortunately, I have a repeated response that goes like this: I happily make my purchase--after all, it is “state of the art” stuff! I place the new item on my desk, and stare at it suspiciously as I suddenly remember the last installation. I reluctantly unpackage it, and eyeball the lengthy directions written in 5 different languages, none of which make any sense.
As I feel my level of control slipping away, my annoyance and agitation send me to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. My sweet Bill then asks an innocent question for which he receives a very snarky answer. This behavior pattern will be repeated until which time the installation is completed. Needless to say, we both appreciate the times in between our technological changes.
I think I need to focus on the teaching of Dalai Lama: “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” I have the first part right….still need more work on the last part!
As the philosopher Heraclitus said, "The only constant in life is change." We will use this fall season to reevaluate where we have been and where we are going… a focus on embracing change might be in order.
Final thought... Abraham Maslow was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. He said, “In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” Onward we go!
Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill, Storytellers through Word, Image and Song
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