“Focus on Goals”...whether it’s New Year’s Day or the middle of summer, it’s always a good time to set goals and make plans, as they stimulate hope for the future. You don’t have to be Don Quixote, a nuclear physicist, or a great philosopher solving world problems. Just pick something of positive value that bakes your cookies, do a little planning, and then act on it, right where you are.
Bill: I once attempted surfing with photography. Success required a bold plan and lots of risk analysis not to become a wet dream! Moving forward focusing on my goal, I had to evaluate progress and adjust focus, while staying afloat. It required a “flexible, well balanced” plan…good trick, right?
Planning for the future drives hopes and expectations, giving meaning and purpose to our lives. Then as we accomplish transitional goals, we can focus on moving forward with our head above water adjusting our strokes along the way. We might be “in process”, but there is always satisfaction found in “getting stuff done” along the way.
Any new plans come to mind?
Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill, Story Tellers through Word, Image and Song
More from our Motivation Gallery:
Positively speaking, Sheri & Bill, Story Tellers through Word, Image and Song
InOurView.com offers a collection of blog articles, original photography, motivational images with original photography, and original folk pop songs inspired by everyday life from a positive view.